JLL. Global Real Estate Perspective – Highlights

The start of 2021 feels very similar to the end of 2020, although there are rising signs of optimism. The global economy is expected to rebound strongly as the rollout of COVID-19 vaccines helps to support a cautious return to a more normal life later in the year.

JLL. Office Logistic Retail Snapshot Q4 2020

JLL researchers make the point about office, logistic and retail’s markets in Q4 2020. The office sector confirmed to be the most dynamic one in terms of investment volumes; the logistics sector presented strong fundamentals and the favourable phase of the sector led to record level of both take-up and investment volumes; the impact of the pandemic was evident in the retail sector and the high street market was the most affected.

CBRE. Real Estate Market Outlook 2021

Il Report CBRE dipinge un rapido quadro di carattere qualitativo del mercato immobiliare italiano nel 2020, registrando un calo del volume degli investimenti, sull’anno precedente, del 29%, con 8,8 miliardi di transazioni immobiliari commerciali. In sostanza dopo un 2019 da record, si ritorna ai livelli del 2018, su cui avevano pesato l’incertezza politica e l’aumento dello spread.

Duff&Phelps. La congiuntura immobiliare in Italia – secondo semestre 2020

Duff & Phelps Real Estate Advisory Group (REAG) ha pubblicato l’ultima edizione della Congiuntura del Mercato Immobiliare Italiano relativa al secondo semestre 2020, che illustra i trend dei principali indicatori dei settori corporate: Residenziale, Terziario, Hospitality e healthcare, Logistico, Industriale e Retail.

Nuveen. Perspective on today’s real estate market. 2021 outlook

Nuveen’s real estate team believes the current market offers opportunity for strategic allocation of private real estate for long-term investment benefit. The pandemic has not caused a paradigm shift for real estate, rather it has accelerated already-present underlying trends. Currently signs of a recovery are beginning, which makes the opportunity to invest in real estate timely.

C&W. European secondary markets: the growth story for the new decade

Data centre development across Europe has long centred around what were first known as the FLAP markets: Frankfurt, London, Amsterdam, and Paris, major global cities each with deep business and financial sectors. As these markets continue to thrive, a host of newer locations have joined the data centre landscape as operators respond to client demand across the region.

Colliers. 2021 Global Investor Outlook

Colliers International 2021 Global Investor Outlook is an in-depth exploration of investor sentiment, strategies and the forces set to shape global real estate markets. The report draws on two main sources: a comprehensive global survey of real estate investors, and interviews with Colliers Capital Market leaders.
The survey was conducted across the regions of the Americas, EMEA and APAC in November and December 2020, and drew close to 300 respondents. This includes major institutional investors, listed property companies, sovereign wealth funds, private equity funds, family offices and thirdparty money managers.

Savills. Real estate investment tips for 2021: EMEA

Europe and the Middle East, investors have focused increasingly on their local markets, reflecting the ‘flight to familiarity’ among cross-border investors.
Covid-19 has brought forward a number of structural changes that were already underway. Working from home has become a common practice (from 9% to 40%) and online shopping penetration has accelerated (from 12% to 16%). This has left many office buildings underutilised, causing concerns amongst investors about security of income.

Gabetti. Real Estate. I trend post Covid settore per settore

Il report di Gabetti e Patrigest ritrae un settore immobiliare nel 2020 in sofferenza ma con prospettive interessanti in diverse asset class. Molti sono i cambiamenti portati dalla pandemia che ha impattato in maniera diversa sui mercati: dal momento di grande fortuna attraversato dalla logistica alle forti difficoltà delle aree commerciali e dell’hotellerie.