Confindustria Assoimmobiliare is the National Association of the Real Estate Industry representing the primary operators of all Real Estate sectors in Italy, such as: companies active in advanced real estate services, from the management and administration of large estates, financial and insurance activities, up to consultancy services; financial subjects active in real estate transactions, also through the instrument of real estate funds and Siiqs; listed real estate companies; the developers; the main international Real Estate companies operating in Italy.
The Statute of Confindustria Assoimmobiliare provides for a governance configuration that ensures the fundamental organizational principles, such as the adequate representation of all the associative components, the diversification of the responsibilities of the Bodies, balancing the requests and interests represented.
The President is elected every four years by the Assembly, with a non-renewable mandate, following a broad consultation and widespread involvement of all member companies.
Companies with registered offices in the national territory, which carry out activities aimed at the production of goods or services of a real estate nature can join the Association as Effective Members. Confindustria Assoimmobiliare can join, as Aggregate Members, associations, foundations and other institutions which operate in the real estate market or are characterized by elements of affinity, complementarity or economic connection with those represented by the Effective Members. Foreign subjects may also be admitted as long as they carry out their business in Italy.
The Yearbook presents detailed information about all Members of Confindustria Assoimmobiliare as well as an overview of the Italian Real Estate market and of the key drivers of its evolution. It is a useful tool for everyone interested in the industry, including international investors and national decision makers.
With this annual publication, Assoimmobiliare addresses the main issues of tax regulation of investment and financing instruments of the Real Estate industry in Italy. The book, now in its 10° edition, represents the point of reference for those who intend to operate in the Italian real estate sector, clarifying and providing indications on the most important issues of the industry.