Real estate industry and the Covid-19 crisis. A statement supported by eighteen of the main real estate’s Associations

The Covid-19 pandemic is a human tragedy that is unprecedented in modern times. Beyond claiming the lives of hundreds of thousands of people around the world, it has severely disrupted the daily lives of citizens and the functioning of the economy in Europe and across the globe. All countries and economic sectors have been affected.
While protecting health and security is paramount, it is also essential to keep vitally important economic sectors functioning during the crisis, making it easier to restart the economy as people are able to return to work. The commercial real estate sector in Europe is a major contributor to these efforts. As a partner to municipalities, local and national governments all across the continent, we have done our utmost to support our communities, tenants, public authorities and health services during the Covid-19 crisis and we stand ready to live up to our significant social and economic responsibility as society re-opens.
The real estate investment industry would like to recommend five key principles that we believe policy makers should keep in mind to develop measures that will successfully achieve our common goals.

Duff&Phelps. Ieri, oggi, domani. COVID-19: Il Sentiment sul mercato Immobiliare

L’emergenza COVID-19 ha colpito in modo indifferenziato il mondo della produzione di prodotti e servizi, con conseguenze dirette e tangibili sulle dinamiche che regolano domanda e offerta, sugli spostamenti a corto e lungo raggio (interruzione di viaggi di lavoro e leisure) e sulle catene di approvvigionamento, intaccando, e talvolta interrompendo del tutto, il normale flusso delle attività. Il segmento del real estate non è stato risparmiato essendo esso stesso un’infrastruttura del sistema produttivo. L’indagine Duff&Phelps indaga il sentiment degli operatori sul mercato immobiliare in questo particolare frangente.

COIMA. Together for Italy

With the aim to face the COVID-19 emergency in Italy, each employes made a symbolic donation that COIMA has increased by five times, reaching € 90,000, donated to the Buzzi hospital Foundation to support a dedicated action programme. Together with the donations already given to the Sacco hospital and Mutual Aid Fund of the Municipality of Milan, COIMA’s total contribution reached a total amount of € 420,000.