Colliers. Impact of COVID-19. Hotel Italian Market

The report represents the latest findings on the impact of COVID-19 on the hospitality industry in Italy. It highlightings how the travel restrictions are impacting the hotel industry and what are its long-term effects, in relation to three different scenarios based on time nedeed for recovery.
For all the three scenarios will be analyzed how different will be the sector at the end of pandemic.

Banca d’Italia. Anything new in town? The local effects of urban regeneration policies in Italy

The paper estimates the local effects of urban regeneration policies by using evidence from interventions that took place in small and medium-sized cities in the Centre and North of Italy over the period 2008-12. By using an Oaxaca-Blinder reweighting estimator, the Paper finds little support for the idea that urban regeneration projects could stimulate local economic growth in the short to medium term. Only the largest scale interventions that focused on improving the public realm seem to have led to an increase in house prices.

Webinar Assoimmobiliare – Bocconi “I COVID-bond: un tassello per l’eredità europea?” – Francesco Giavazzi, Professore Bocconi

Nella cornice della REInnovation Webinar Series, Francesco Giavazzi, Professore Ordinario Dipartimento di Economia Università Bocconi (Phd MIT) ha analizzato la tematica degli strumenti fiscali e monetari necessari per affrontare l’attuale emergenza economica, con particolare riferimento ai tanto dibattuti COVID-bond, mettendo in luce anche la valenza di tali strumenti nella costruzione di un’identità europea.

L’impatto del COVID-19 sulla Valutazione Aziendale in Italia

Duff & Phelps, con la partecipazione di Gregorio De Felice, Chief Economist e Head of Research di Intesa Sanpaolo, e con il patrocinio di AIFI (Associazione Italiana del Private Equity, Private Debt e Venture Capital), ANDAF (Associazione Nazionale Direttori Amministrativi e Finanziari) e American Chamber of Commerce in Italy, ha prodotto un webcast sulla Valutazione Aziendale alla luce degli impatti sul mercato dell’emergenza COVID-19.

CBRE. Covid-19: Implication for Italian Commercial Real Estate

As COVID-19 continues to spread across Europe, its impact on economic growth is becoming increasilgly evident. A global recessioni is now underway, with CBRE’s House View expeting U.S. GDP growth to concract by -1.6% q-o-q in Q2 2020. Western Europe is expected to see GDP shrink by -3% for 2020 as a whole, with a weak Q1 2020 and a severe downturn in Q2 2020. In Italy, assuming that the outbreak will last until the end of May 2020, CBRE’s House View forecast a GDP contraction of -4% for 2020. However this forecast will need to be revised several times in the coming weeks as new assessments of the state of contagion in Italy and in the rest of the world are released.