The annual public Assembly of Confindustria Assoimmobiliare will take place on Wednesday, 10 November, in Rome, at Palazzo Colonna.
Opening Conference REInnovation Academy 2021 – 2022
The Opening Conference of the REInnovation Academy 2021-2022, will be held on Monday, 8 November, at 6 p.m. The REI Academy is the training project conceived by Confindustria Assoimmobiliare and SDA Bocconi as part of the Real Estate Innovation Lab, the research and innovation platform dedicated to real estate.
Assoimmobiliare. New life habits: a driver for the urban regeneration of the future
The Webinar “New life habits: a driver for the urban regeneration of the future” will be held on Tuesday, 6 July, from 16:00 to 17:00, organized by the Urban Regeneration Committee of Assoimmobiliare.
Assoimmobiliare. Retail becomes an important driver in urban regeneration initiatives
The Urban Planning Table of Confindustria Assoimmobiliare has organized a Webinar, “Retail as an important driver in urban regeneration initiatives”, to analyze the importance of the retail component within urban regeneration projects.
Assoimmobiliare. The securitization of real estate proceeds after tax clarifications
Confindustria Assoimmobiliare has organized a webinar, “The securitization of real estate income after tax clarifications. Possible uses of the tool and still open questions”.